Why mJobTime?
The Best Software for Construction Time Tracking

mJobTime Is The Most Advanced Construction Time Tracking Software On The Market

The mJobTime software combines flexibility, configurability, & customizability with a great feature set and outstanding service to offer our customers the most powerful construction time tracking software. The only way to truly appreciate the capability of mJobTime is to see it in a demo, but we’ll provide more insight into our software on this page. For more great information on mJobTime click here.

The mJobTime Philosophy

Solutions Not Sales

We will ask the right questions upfront, to find out if our application can solve your problems. If it can’t, we won’t waste any more of your time. We want happy, satisfied customers that will sing our praises far and wide. This only happens when we resolve your issues and save you time and money.


At mJobTime, we follow through with what we say we can do. If we promote a feature, you can rest assured that it has been thoroughly tested before being released. And, we specifically instruct our sales staff NOT to promote or promise anything we don’t have.


We have always felt that our product absolutely must be easy to use. The whole purpose is to make everyone’s job easier. For that reason, our development mantra has always been “simplicity first”, especially for our field users. This ease of use will help you win over resistant employees and shorten the time it takes to become adept at using our software.


We are very concerned about giving you value for your investment. We appreciate our clients who support us year after year, and demonstrate our appreciation by constantly delivering new features and functionality and by providing top-notch customer support. We are very proud of our product for many reasons, but we think there are three main characteristics that truly distinguish us from our competitors. mJobTime offers flexibilityconfigurability, and customer service unmatched in the industry.


Licensing – flexible options for mJobTime users

  • On-premise (purchase) model for long-term savings
  • Subscription (hosted) model to prevent large upfront cash outlays
  • Supervisor or Individual licenses for entering, reviewing, and approving time for multiple or single employees
  • Use for multiple companies, departments, divisions, and other segments

Modules – the mJobTime Mobility Suite offers the most comprehensive suite of optional field solutions available today

  • Labor Manager for recording labor time in hours or units
  • GPS Manager for capturing physical coordinates at clock in/out and integrating with geo-fence options and Google Maps
  • Equipment Manager for recording equipment time by job, phase, cost code, and use type
  • Daily Field Manager for documenting daily logs, production, per diem, expenses, equipment meter readings, and other items with notes and pictures
  • Budget Manager for up to the minute comparisons in hours or units with actual results
  • Documents Manager to allow field users to access, review, sign, and annotate documents remotely

Devices – use mJobTime on more devices than any other competitor

  • Virtually any modern mobile device including smartphones, tablets, or laptops
  • Desktop PC’s can use the web interface by connecting to the Internet, or can use mJobTime’s Windows interface as a single workstation, or as a desktop time clock for tracking multiple office employees
  • Acroprint data collection terminals with mag stripe, bar code, proximity, and fingerprint readers
  • Accu-Time data collection terminals with mag stripe, bar code, proximity, and fingerprint readers
  • Acroprint HandPunch terminals

Time Entry Options – includes the widest range of input options in the industry

  • Real-time with barcode scan, pin # clock-in, and taking a photo at clock in/out
  • Manual time entry with enter labor hours, enter start/stop time, enter break minutes, and enter break start/stop time
  • Daily or Weekly Time Entry grid by job, employee, or equipment — Great construction job tracking software!

Editing, Distribution, and Approval of Time Records – offering substantial improvement in production and efficiency for office workers

  • Flexible review screens with a myriad of filtering and sorting options
  • Records can be edited or approved one at a time or in batches
  • Labor hours can be distributed in the field or in the office
  • Labor records can be scanned and modified for overtime according to your own custom “rules”


Integration with Accounting, ERP, and Payroll Systems – the most configurable interface around for exchanging data with your accounting, ERP, and payroll systems

  • The construction industry’s most powerful software for accounting and payroll integration
  • Automated and manual data imports
  • Job-specific cost codes, phases, and craft codes
  • Configurable, filterable, multi-use export files
  • Rename any primary data field
  • User-defined fields for time and job records

Groups/Crews – multiple ways to create groups and crews

  • Control administrative user access to mJobTime by assigning them to custom User Groups
  • Assign equipment pieces regularly used together to Equipment Groups
  • Admin users can build crews in the office, or they can be built on-the-fly in the field
  • Specific information i.e. employees, crews, jobs, phases, etc., can be assigned to a crew leader

Per Diem – there are countless different ways to pay per diem to employees. mJobTime tries to address as many of these as possible out of the box

  • Fixed rate by company , job, employee, or custom rates
  • Assign the proper pay code to your Per Diem entries
  • Designate the number of hours required in a day for employees to receive Per Diem pay

Reports and Forms – to help you manage your business more effectively

  • A wide range of labor, equipment, and daily log reports with powerful filtering and sorting options
  • The ability to save custom report templates
  • The ability to use Crystal Reports to build your own custom mJobTime reports

Customer Service

Technical Services – unequaled service for getting you started on the right foot

  • Our technical service professionals can rely on the expertise and knowledge gained from hundreds of installations across many different accounting, ERP, and payroll systems
  • A proven process for successful implementations beginning with pre-install consultations, followed by installation and training, and culminating in post-install follow-ups

Technical Support – the crucial link between a software company and its customers

  • All our technical staff begin their careers in tech support to gain an in-depth program knowledge and to develop a better understanding of our customers’ needs and issues
  • Our staff is supported by Zendesk, an elegant customer service system that allows our customers to communicate by phone or email and generates an inbound ticket request for each issue

Customizations – built on customer requests, mJobTime has always been very open to program customizations

  • Minor modifications for new customers are often done at no charge
  • If a customization involves significant resources, we will often split the cost of development if we feel the new feature will benefit the product
  • For situations where the customization is very specific to a customer, we will provide the customer with a quote for the work
mJobTime will make your field staff more productive by reducing the amount of time spent on administrative duties. It will make your office staff more productive by not having to re-enter time collected from the field. It will save you money by dramatically reducing the amount of mistakes made during the payroll process. But don’t take our word for it, see why our customers agree. Find out how mJobTime is solving their problems in the field and the office.