PowerTrack Platform

PowerTrack For Windows
Daily Timesheet for Windows
Designed with input from hundreds of construction companies, the Daily Timesheet provides a user interface similar to a spreadsheet for rapid data entry, thanks to the timesheet being a Windows-based application. As you enter data, the grid will expand horizontally with your selection of additional phases/cost codes. The grid will also expand vertically as you enter rows of data.
You control the content and structure of your Daily Timesheet. Just like the other PowerTrack mobile applications, the Daily Timesheet can be customized to capture the data most important to your business, including labor, equipment, production, materials and more. You can add any number of grid segments for different data categories. Also capture detailed job notes, weather information and other daily journal input for construction sites.
The Daily Timesheet is designed to optionally operate independent of network availability, capturing a full day’s data for a selected job. The user can easily switch between timesheets to enter data for multiple jobs.
Daily Timesheet For Windows Datasheet
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