Construction Time Clock App

Mobile Time Clock Software for Construction Businesses

Mobile Time Clock Software for Construction Businesses

Mobile Time Tracking Software for Construction and Field Operations

Now you can have a construction time card app for employee time tracking using the iPads that you may already have in the field and on your job site. With the addition of a fingerprint reader connected to the iPad’s lightning connector, your supervisors can quickly and efficiently track employee hours, allocate hours, manage billable hours, and clock in and out construction and field crews using biometric verification. To track time, construction workers do not need to swipe a card or enter an ID—just place their finger on the reader. The system will identify the employee for quick and efficient clock in and out.

All transactions on the construction time tracking app will be transmitted to the PowerTrack server where they can be reviewed and approved, along with any other transactions from mobile or web clients. In addition, the supervisor can review all of the transactions of the entire crew originating on his/her iPad simply by clicking a menu tab within the time clock app. Construction time clock apps are perfect for construction companies and other work environments with mobile crews.

Flexible Options

The PowerTrack iPad Biometric application has several options that can provide additional advantages for your construction business, including:

Job Designation

When entering the biometric timeclock mode, the supervisor can enter a specific job and phase for the clock-in entries of multiple employees at the job site.

Clock Out Questions

The system can optionally present up to three questions to the user at the time of clock out (for example, verifying that the employee was not injured today). The answers to these questions can be viewed in the application’s transaction review.

Conditional Logic

Configure the application to take a different action based on the answers to the employee’s clock-out questions. Provide a custom message or even prevent clock-out posting based on the answers to your questions.

Web-Based Biometric Timeclock for Your Job Site

A Time Clock Kiosk Application for Construction and Shop Environments
PowerTrack’s Biometric Web Kiosk is designed to run on a Touchscreen Windows PC, such as the Elo Touch PC series. Ideal for construction job sites or shop environments, the mobile construction time clock software is a browser-based application that allows multiple employees to quickly and efficiently clock in and out. Users can clock in, clock out, change jobs, and answer clock-out questions.
Web-Based Biometric Timeclock for Your Job Site
Flexible Options

The PowerTrack web-based biometric construction time tracking software has several options that can provide additional advantages for your construction company, including:

Job Designation

The construction time clock app allows users to clock into a job and phase, and then change jobs throughout the day.

Clock Out Questions

The construction timesheet software can optionally present up to three questions to construction workers at the time of clock out (for example, verifying that the employee was not injured today).

This information can be reviewed, edited and approved within PowerTrack’s web-based approval system, and then exported to the customer’s payroll processing system to ensure accurate timesheets, help manage labor costs and promote accurate payroll management. The data is also available for reports using PowerTrack’s integrated reporting using Crystal Reports.

Schedule Your Demo Today

The only way to truly appreciate the capability of PowerTrack’s construction time clock software is to see it in a demo.
Two construction workers looking at a mobile device.